Viva Salud files a complaint against BNP Paribas

BNP Partibas Fortis is blocking international solidarity. In March 2022, BNP Paribas Fortis announced they would close our bank accounts. The reason for this? Unknown!

According to their terms and conditions, BNP was not obliged to let us know the reason. As a result, Viva Salud had to open new accounts overnight, contact all our donors individually to ask them to change their standing orders, which was no an easy task. Viva Salud and its partners thus lost money, time and donors.

The sudden closure of our accounts complicated the sustainable support of our partners in the Global South. Therefore, we decided to file a complaint. It is a bit like David against Goliath, but we felt it was necessary to expose this kind of practice and show that the power of the banks remains abusive and overbearing.

We merkten ook op dat de bank onze rekeningen sloot net nadat we de coalitie “Don’t Buy into Occupationtegen hen hadden gesteund. Zij voeren campagne om ervoor te zorgen dat deze bedrijven en instellingen, waaronder BNP Paribas, hun verantwoordelijkheid nemen en stoppen met het financieren van Israëls illegale bezetting.

We also noted that the bank closed our accounts just after we supported the “Don’t Buy into Occupation” coalition against them. This coalition is campaigning to ensure that companies and institutions, including BNP Paribas, take responsibility and stop financing Israel’s illegal occupation.

Between January 2019 and August 2022, BNP Paribas provided $25.09 billion in loans and subscriptions to companies investing in Israel’s illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories, in addition to investments (stocks and bonds) of $3.01 billion in these companies.

The proceedings took quite some time and will culminate in a public hearing on Thursday, October 10, at 9 a.m. We want to mobilize other organizations and individuals on that day to show that we are not the only ones who want to denounce the power of banks. Join us if you can!

Come to the corner of Wolstraat and Poelaert Square at 8:30 am on Thursday, October 10. You can leave back at 9am or attend the closing arguments, which will last about 2 hours.

Please let Marilyse know you are coming so we can inform you of any changes! Contact her at