Covax Unicef Ethiopia

‘If only COVAX had taken the monopoly breaking approach’

All over the world, governments have promoted COVAX as the magical solution to the pandemic. But while big pharma companies are making billions, COVAX is struggling to achieve its own modest ambitions. We spoke to expert Prasanna Saligram of People’s Health Movement (PHM) to learn about the role and challenges of COVAX.

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Share the vaccine stop the virus

Campaign: Share the vaccine, stop the virus

No one is safe until everyone is safe. That is why the vaccine must be a global public good, universally accessible to all. To achieve this goal, we have to take action. Share the vaccine, stop the virus.

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Campaign paper: All heroes for health

With our ‘Only Fighters Win’ campaign we support the struggle of social movements. The healthcare heroes are not alone. They have the support of social movements from different sectors. All heroes for health!

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Mixed outcomes at the ‘COVID-19 World Health Assembly’

The 73rd World Health Assembly saw the US continue its attack on China and the World Health Organization. The WHA recognized immunization as a global public health good but failed to do the same for vaccines. As part of the WHO Watch programme, the People’s Health Movement summarises the main outcomes of the meeting.

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