Discover our podcast channel #NotATarget
As part of our new #NotATarget campaign, Viva Salud shares messages from activists and health workers fighting for our rights in podcasts.
As direct witnesses to abuses of power, and bearers of precious testimony on repression and repeated violations of human rights, these activists strive to make dignity a priority. Yet, wherever democratic space is threatened, they continue to be intimidated, repressed and murdered.
Activists, health workers and social movements are too often targeted. That’s why we’re creating the #NotATarget podcast. In this series dedicated to them, listen to their struggles, their obstacles, their strengths, and their victories. Follow with us the stories of those who go from individual struggles to powerful mobilisations.
Let’s stand together for activists and our health!
11 months in an Israeli prison
In a first special episode, we share the story of 60-year-old Shatha Odeh, a leading figure in the Palestinian resistance to Israel. A former director of our partner Health Work Committees (HWC) – an organisation that works to provide health services to Palestinians in remote areas of the West Bank – she was captured in her home and imprisoned for 11 months by the Israeli authorities. The military prosecution accused her of, among other things, “holding a position in an illegal association”. Released in June 2022, find out her testimony.
Recorded in collaboration with People’s Dispatch, it depicts a world of cruel repression against health care workers and activists, but also bears witness to formidable spirits of resistance.