Health is a concern that we all share. It is also a fundamental right. Unfortunately, for most people, this basic right is threatened by poverty, inequality, exploitation and war. Critical voices on this issue are under increasing pressure. Viva Salud fights for the right to health and sovereign development. To this end, we support the development of strong social movements that defend the right to health in the Philippines, Palestine, the Democratic Republic of Congo and elsewhere.
Our partners regularly report to us attacks on health systems in their countries: privatisation, budgetary austerity, increasing repression agaisnt health workers and activists. These issues also echo in Belgian and European news. In the face of increasingly global challenges, the solution lies in international solidarity. Together with our partners, but also with other Belgian social organisations, such as trade unions or other NGOs in the sector, we organise actions and campaigns.
We are also active in international networks such as the People’s Health Movement. This is how we mobilise engaged citizens, social movements and political policy makers to change policies for the right to health worldwide.